Apr 21, 2006

no longer engaged

so i have class with four girls, all of whom are engaged. there are two of them that i have even sat with from the beginning of the semester.

except that i lied. sometime in the past two weeks, all four of them ceased to be engaged.

some sort of epidemic has seized those around me, and i'm not sure why. but its not something i could keep to myself. its kind of scary, really.

and i'm thrilled that the plague has not struck me.

Re: abortion post

thanks to all the people who "got it".

no, i am not an abortion supporter. and no, i'm not just trying to "get people to come to my site so i can make money." i'll have you know that the day i put that post up, i made a whopping 0.01 dollars.

and no, i know of no real scriptural support for the age of accountability. that was my point. i'm not sure i'm ready to take it this far, but i think the point is we don't know where babies go.

thus, this is my problem: if we don't know where babies go, what the heck are we doing just sitting around? abortion is a MUCH bigger issue if some of those kids even might be going to hell.

or at least, that's my take.

Apr 18, 2006

join the abortion industry

so here's a modest proposal: Christians should join the abortion industry.

this has two main benefits. first, it is the most effective way to increase the kingdom of God. second, it has positive social effects that support basic Christian values.

Kingdom Expansion
abortion is the second way into heaven, after accepting Christ. the age-of-accountability concept teaches that anyone who dies before they are mentally capable of making moral or spiritual decisions automatically goes to heaven.

this is a situation that we have failed to take advantage of fully.

now, i'm not proposing that we stop sharing the gospel. i'm merely suggesting that we guarantee the salvation of those we are capable of guaranteeing. too many Christians have lots of kids, only to see them grow up and turn their backs on the faith.

if our interest is truly the eternal salvation of as many as possible, we should be the #1 providers of abortion in the world.

Social Benefits
these are really self-explanatory. obviously, it ends the rift between Christians and the rest of the world on this issue at least, which might actually make Christianity more palatable to more people.
it promotes choice for women. choice is one of the basic priveleges of the Christian philosophy, at least for those that are unfortunate enough to have survived beyond their age-of-accountability threshold.
also, it helps keep world population at a manageable level.
one of our responsibilities as Christians on this earth is to manage its resources. less people on the planet (or at least less population growth) will result in more sustainable resources and will reduce needless waste.

the main argument i hear against this idea is that it refuses the opportunity for the unborn to have a choice for their salvation. i have three responses to this.

first, simple mathematics. if someone reaches their age of accountability, there is essentially a 50-50 chance of their eventual salvation. if they do not, there is a 100 percent chance of it. the math is a strong argument for such a concept, IF you truly are concerned about their eternal salvation more than their physical life.

second, i can virtually guarantee that most people in hell right now wish they didn't have a choice. they'd much rather be robots in heaven than free will agents in hell.

finally, i don't believe it is your place to argue with God about who gets a choice and who does not. if He is pleased to save based on age, that is His perogative.

let he who has ears, let him hear.

Apr 15, 2006

africa photo story

so my friend kristen nicole is selling a book of her photos of a refugee family from sudan.

these photos are amazing.

and kristen could use the support, since she's moving to europe for a couple months to take more photographs.

you have to reserve your copy of the book by THIS MONDAY. i would get cracking.

[email kristen here.]

Apr 14, 2006

the xanga curse [quite literally]

its true. xanga cussed me out.

try clicking on my "work in progress" link in my xanga profile. this is what pops up:

now why is it that this kind of thing keeps happening to me?

Apr 12, 2006

this ACTUALLY happened to me--i promise

i was looking for an avenue q song when this popped up:

[the correct song, by the way, was "the more you ruv someone"...which is a little racist, but then, aren't we all?]

[in case you didn't catch it: click the picture and look closely at the "sponsored links" on the right hand side of the screen shot.]

edit:changed song title to actual one. thanks wilhelm!

Apr 10, 2006

we are zombies

we are college kids.

we wake up to take naps. we sleep better in the day. we do not know the meaning of "caffeine high", because our bodies don't know any other way of life.

we are the trend-setters.

i can get paid $2 to click some radio buttons in an online survey, just because i'm 21 years old. i might even win $10,000 in their online drawing. because they want to know what i want.

the old guys have it all wrong.

i remember the old guys telling me i didn't know the meaning of "busy" yet, because i'm still in school. i say they can stick it in their ear. we're busier than 90% of the adults i've ever met--we may not be as tied down as they are, or have such a strict schedule, but we are by far the busier ones.

we are the music-makers. we are the dreamers of dreams.

leave it to willy wonka to tell us what we need to hear. we are the now, kids. whats happening out there, to our culture, its our fault. and the good stuff is, too. its time to start making some different music. time to start dreaming some dreams. i don't know what you're waiting for.

me? i'm waiting for summer.

Apr 9, 2006

So THIS is how it works...

OK, xanga kids, this is the way it will work from now on.

sorry about the extra click. hopefully it opens in a new window (just click your browser's "x" to go back to your subscriptions).

blogger peeps: glad to be one of the fold.

Apr 6, 2006

Google goes Wi-Fi

hooray for city-wide wireless.

too bad its only in san francisco so far.

perfect product?
a Google-based motorola palm-pilot blackberry iPod cell-phone coffee-maker with unlimited minutes and data transfer (and caffeine). the package would be designed by apple, the software would be compatible with windows, macintosh AND linux, and since it's a Google product, the whole package would be available for free (with no service agreement and a minimal number of contextual ads).

if i hear their installing Google wi-fi around here, i'll let you know.

Apr 5, 2006


my new computer:

number of days before i crashed it:

amount of excitement now that it works:

Apr 4, 2006

making the switch

so i figured out a simple way to make the switch to blogspot. you'll still see my posts here, hopefully. so you may not even notice. but i doubt you'll ever see the layout change.

not to mention my blogspot is at www.pfostpfilms.com.

sorry, xanga kids, the facebookization of this place is killing me.

not to mention the fact that i have a love affair with google.

don't tell amy.