Apr 18, 2006

join the abortion industry

so here's a modest proposal: Christians should join the abortion industry.

this has two main benefits. first, it is the most effective way to increase the kingdom of God. second, it has positive social effects that support basic Christian values.

Kingdom Expansion
abortion is the second way into heaven, after accepting Christ. the age-of-accountability concept teaches that anyone who dies before they are mentally capable of making moral or spiritual decisions automatically goes to heaven.

this is a situation that we have failed to take advantage of fully.

now, i'm not proposing that we stop sharing the gospel. i'm merely suggesting that we guarantee the salvation of those we are capable of guaranteeing. too many Christians have lots of kids, only to see them grow up and turn their backs on the faith.

if our interest is truly the eternal salvation of as many as possible, we should be the #1 providers of abortion in the world.

Social Benefits
these are really self-explanatory. obviously, it ends the rift between Christians and the rest of the world on this issue at least, which might actually make Christianity more palatable to more people.
it promotes choice for women. choice is one of the basic priveleges of the Christian philosophy, at least for those that are unfortunate enough to have survived beyond their age-of-accountability threshold.
also, it helps keep world population at a manageable level.
one of our responsibilities as Christians on this earth is to manage its resources. less people on the planet (or at least less population growth) will result in more sustainable resources and will reduce needless waste.

the main argument i hear against this idea is that it refuses the opportunity for the unborn to have a choice for their salvation. i have three responses to this.

first, simple mathematics. if someone reaches their age of accountability, there is essentially a 50-50 chance of their eventual salvation. if they do not, there is a 100 percent chance of it. the math is a strong argument for such a concept, IF you truly are concerned about their eternal salvation more than their physical life.

second, i can virtually guarantee that most people in hell right now wish they didn't have a choice. they'd much rather be robots in heaven than free will agents in hell.

finally, i don't believe it is your place to argue with God about who gets a choice and who does not. if He is pleased to save based on age, that is His perogative.

let he who has ears, let him hear.


  1. Your thinking is messed up. Whatever happened to... every life is precious to God. No "we" as Christians should not join the abortion industry. Abortion is murder.


    brush up on what you know about abortion.

    I hate this thought that you have and I'm dissapointed that my WVA worship leader thinks this way.

    What does the Bible say about life?

    This is my site:


  2. That's without a doubt the most thought provoking thing I've read in a very very long time. The implications are astounding. This will definitely keep me busy pondering for the next month or so.

  3. Darling, I must say that as aggravating as it is, playing the Devil's Advocate is actually helpful sometimes. It causes me to see what other minds might be thinking, and allows me to address that in my own mind and heart. I love it.
    I know that you don't truly feel this way, but some people do.
    I don't really have the time right now to go into the intirety of your reasoning, but I will simply say this:
    Every Human life is a soul that God Himself has allowed into Creation. It is strictly His perogative as to whether or not that person lives or dies. It is the epitome of arrogance for us to determine that it is "best" for some to live and some to die. True, "God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance" [2 Peter 3:9]... but it does not Honour Him when we do not CHOOSE to be His follower.
    More to follow... peace out

  4. you are a genius.

  5. I can't say I really agree with you there Nic, but unless I'm mistaken you're sort of playing Devil's Advocate on this aren't you?

    It did make me think though. I hadn't actually thought about it that way. I will ponder these thoughts...

  6. you like to get comments don't you! ;)

    show me in the bible where it mentions an age of accountability?

  7. nic, you're right.

    a modest proposal indeed.

  8. No why don't you just eat the babies before they reach the age of accountability. Then the benefits are twofold: you get physical sustenance and the babies get to go to heaven. :-)

  9. you have a twisted mind sometimes pfost!

  10. Been reading Jonathan Swift lately?

  11. Props for turning everything on its ear, bro.

  12. How can you possibly say something disgusting like that. God views every human life (even if you do not think that a human embryo is not yet a human) as important. I second what Jesse said. If you want to keep away from the argument of religion, look at it from accepting consequences. People need to accept the consequences of their actions...yes sex. The gruesome slaughter of innocent babies is sin in the highest degree. It is MURDER. I am sorry to hear that you have bought into the lie that the world has tried to forcefeed to us.
    I pray that God reveals His Truth

  13. thank you Jonathan Swift...
    Do you suggest that we eat the kids as well? I mean, after all, that would be real Protestant frugality...

  14. brilliant. right on the money.

    apparently some people have no capacity for textual criticism. too bad, they're missing out on a real treat.

  15. As usual, you have a unique and brillant way of looking at things. Very thought provoking and it really makes you think, too. Oh and a very late congrats on the engagement!

  16. to be enlightened go to the following

  17. Beautiful, Mr Pfost.
    If you don't mind, I think I'm going to link to this on my Compassionate Calvinist blog.

  18. http://www.xanga.com/gilbobulldog/88509751/item.html

    my own modest day proposal

  19. You seriously must have a readership that doesn't know you very well at all. I think the responses by the people who took you literally might have actually been funnier than your witty satire. Seriously... are these people not familiar with the classics? I only wish I could have read this back when it was current.
