Apr 10, 2006

we are zombies

we are college kids.

we wake up to take naps. we sleep better in the day. we do not know the meaning of "caffeine high", because our bodies don't know any other way of life.

we are the trend-setters.

i can get paid $2 to click some radio buttons in an online survey, just because i'm 21 years old. i might even win $10,000 in their online drawing. because they want to know what i want.

the old guys have it all wrong.

i remember the old guys telling me i didn't know the meaning of "busy" yet, because i'm still in school. i say they can stick it in their ear. we're busier than 90% of the adults i've ever met--we may not be as tied down as they are, or have such a strict schedule, but we are by far the busier ones.

we are the music-makers. we are the dreamers of dreams.

leave it to willy wonka to tell us what we need to hear. we are the now, kids. whats happening out there, to our culture, its our fault. and the good stuff is, too. its time to start making some different music. time to start dreaming some dreams. i don't know what you're waiting for.

me? i'm waiting for summer.


  1. Oh summer ... I'm just dreaming of a finish line. Or at least seeing a finish line.

  2. Define 'busy'. Regardless of age or current profession, everone is 'busy' doing something. For you, it may mean packing as much activity as one 24 hour day will allow. But others, depending on their season of life, will willfully avoid your definition of the word in order to be busy exercising their bodies, planning and cooking a healthy meal, renewing their mind using chunks of time studying and memorizing scripture, writing a poem or a song, reading for enjoyment or personal edification and/or instruction, sitting with a sick elder or friend, having lunch with a lonely widow or to deepen a budding friendship, teaching their child to read or how to make a dinosaur out of playdough, journaling to always be able to remember God's faithfulness, writing letters of concern or encouragment, counseling, planning/cleaning/hosting/serving, pastoring, faithful mentoring, or, maybe another only has time each day is to meet his own physical needs while asking God to protect and guide his loved one's in whatever they are busy doing and for the salvation of the spiritually lost beause three years ago the Lord said, "Be still" and made him increasingly lie down with a degenerative illness until prayer is all he can do. Just because your age directs the marketplace does not mean you own a corner of the market on what it means to be busy. You just 'do it' different than most of us old guys! Whatever you do, in word, thought, or deed, do it as unto the Lord.

  3. I think we're busier in the sense that our lives are not our own so much--we are in fact the ones more tied down, as it were. We are the slaves of the institution even after the "workday" is over--that's the essence of homework, no? Our minds must always be going, our schedules must always be flexible--because without that, we die. We die academically because we can't make the grades because we're not doing what the profs want, what they say will help us, &c., &c.; and we die in the sense of free time because all free time isn't really free, it's stolen time, guilty time, time when you COULD and SHOULD be working on homework (append a "young man" right here from most mothers' mouths). There's almost always the guilt that if we just tried harder, we could have done better, could have gotten an A+ instead of an A-, a B+ instead of a C. Forget the marketplace. Our demographic hasn't the time to sit with sick friends, study things for fun (it's been years since I read a fictional work just for the fun of it, let alone studied Scripture in my quote-unquote spare time). This is the most maddening kind of busy, busy in the worst sense, IMHO.

  4. i learned about beautiful vermont weddings for you. ok, i didn't really learn about them, but i did click the link.

  5. That quote from Willy Wonka, "we are the music makers, we are the dreamers of dreams," is actually from the poem "Ode" by Arthur O'Shanghnessy.
    I think we're as busy as we choose to be. We make the priorities. No matter who is pressuring us, we make the decisions.
