Mar 23, 2006

my hero

i just to clarify that Dr. David Dockery is my hero.
before the soulforce thing went down, he had me and 4 other students that were planning on attending the rally into his conference room to talk about what soulforce had done at other schools and what Union's response would be.
Union provided them with box lunches from Heavenly Ham, paid for by private donors (no tuition dollars).
Union allowed them on campus (they didn't have to and two other schools arrested soulforce members for coming on campus).
Union provided police protection (Jacksonites can be a little "rednecky" when it comes to "gays").
Union discouraged students who just wanted to "be on tv" from attending. Dockery explicitly said that going to hear their argument was a legitimate reason for going. going to argue, however, was not.
whether or not the Union community will mature at all as a result of this visit remains to be seen.
but with a leader like Dockery in place, i think we've got a pretty good chance.

Mar 9, 2006

Union does not understand Christ's love

so now i'm quoted in the student newspaper, apparently giving my full support to what soulforce is doing on this campus.
i think that requires a little clarification.
i do not think that Union University should have to change its policies on homosexuality.
i do not think that SoulForce actually wants to change Union's mind, they just want conflict for the media to see.
i also do not think that anybody should be forced to accept anyone else's views.
i think Union has done a fine job handling this situation so far, and i hope that they will continue to be courteous.
at the same time, i am glad that this group is coming to our campus.
today alone i have had three conversations about this topic with other Union students. now, i've been at Union for several years, and this has never been an acceptable topic of conversation before.
this development is great.
lets be honest. everyone here has an agenda: soulforce wants to create a "media frenzy" (as a friend of mine put it), Union wants to avoid a mar on their reputation (by supporting the protesters too much or too little), certain Union students want all the protesters to just accept Christ (which they would say they have already done), other Union students want to "teach the protesters a lesson" (by throwing water balloons at them), and still others want to avoid the issue entirely. These are all legitimate agendas (though some are more mature and responsible than others).
i have an agenda as well. it is two-fold. first of all, i want to thank soulforce for bringing the issue up. thus, i will attend their rally and support them in that sense. i am not going to witness, i am not going to argue, i am not going to answer their questions, i am certainly not going to throw water balloons (good grief, Union...grow up), i am simply going to listen to what they have to say and thank them for coming.
the second part of my agenda is to take full advantage of this opportunity to TALK ABOUT THIS ISSUE. it has become increasingly obvious that Union students are, as a whole, not ready to deal with this issue outside of our walls. they don't understand it. they don't care about these people as people.
Union students, as a whole, do not understand the love of Christ.
that's my issue:
1- they'd rather throw water balloons.
2- or pull the 'evangelism' card.
3- or just avoid the issue all together.
and quite honestly, until they've learned to at least understand where people like SoulForce are coming from, until they've learned to handle these situations with the love of Christ and not the spirit of antagonism or fear, then i'd prefer they choose the third option.
so thank you, SoulForce, for forcing the issue.
thank you for revealing our true, idiotic, juvenile natures.
thanks for pointing out that we have a lot to learn about simple things like grace, and love, and Christ.
i'll be out there supporting you on march 18th at 4:30pm by miller tower. i'll pray for sunshine.
and i promise i won't bring any water balloons.

Mar 6, 2006

Approved by Student Services

Actual sign on campus:
for more information:
Thursday, March 9th, 2006
Outside The Library.
Drawing at 3:00.

Mar 2, 2006

Buncha Homosexuals

Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals and Transsexuals are coming to Union's campus.

March 19th at 4:30pm at the clock tower. they're coming to protest Union's policies on homosexuality. one of their number got kicked out of Union for being a lesbian.

funny thing is, we'll all be gone on spring break.

[except me. i'm coming back, and bringing the protesters cookies, chips and drinks. anybody wanna join me?]