Apr 14, 2008

maybe i haven't a purpose

what if you have no purpose in this life?

i'm being serious here.

look, we happen to believe that we live forever. FOREVER. that's a long time, y'all. and in case you haven't noticed, there are a lot of us.

isn't it possible that a few of us are created for a purpose that won't be realized until after the new heavens and earth are revealed?

i mean, i'd like to believe that God has this huge master plan for the limited amount of time that he allows the earth to exist, and he assigns every single one of us a role.

but somehow, i just don't think that's true. certainly, there's a master plan for the old earth. and yes, we all have a purpose for existence. i'm just not sure that the two coincide on every instance.

i guess what i'm getting at is this: maybe it's not such a big deal what we do here. there are so many mindsets to get lost in: i'm going to "save the sinners", i'm going to "change the world", i'm going to "be successful", i'm going to "live life to the fullest". and certainly none of those things are bad ideas in and of themselves.

i'm just concerned that we get too caught up in them. and we just end up disappointing ourselves.

or maybe it's just me.


  1. I think the Westminster Divines were on to something:

    The chief and highest end of man is to glorify God and fully enjoy him forever. (Question 1, Westminster Larger Catechism)

  2. are you agreeing with my hypothetical question?

    because the wording of that particular answer seems to agree: we're to glorify God "forever". as in, in this life and the next.

    besides, this doesn't seem to get at the heart of what i'm asking. does everyone on earth have a specific, identifiable role to play in the drama of this first earth? or are some of merely beginning our existence, waiting for our time to come in the second life?
