Feb 19, 2008

just a little FREAKED OUT

so i quit my job today.

long story short, my boss and i disagreed on a number of issues about how a business should be run.

the back-breaking straw for me was our latest project, which involved an ethically "grey" issue surrounding intellectual property rights and international reciprocal patent protections. heady stuff, but not something i was comfortable with.

in the end, we mutually agreed to part ways.

UNFORTUNATELY, this came at a really bad time. amy and i are up for a home loan, and if i don't find a good job soon, we might lose out on the house. boo hiss.

i trust God to do what's best, but obviously i want everything to work out soon. i've got a couple leads, but if you hear of anything opening up in Jackson, TN in the very near future, please let me know ASAP.

jackson friends: i look forward to living in your town again soon. pray that God will provide a way for that to happen soon.


  1. i'll be praying that you can find a good jackson job soon. memphis will miss you.

  2. We here in Jackson certainly miss you. I will be praying.

  3. goodbye and thanks for all the fish. wait, i mean...hello, and until next time.

    check my email, for what?

  4. I am STILL praying for you both. I had a great time seeing you over Easter. oh yeah, I tagged you! See my blog for details!

  5. I am STILL praying for you both. I had a great time seeing you over Easter. oh yeah, I tagged you! See my blog for details!
