Jul 14, 2007

strange things happenin' to this blog

you can now watch my (and my wife's) videos,
see the titles of my tumblr blog,
view my latest tags on del.icio.us,
and see my current pick for presidential candidate...

all from this one super-nifty page [see right column].

i love the internet.

1 comment:

  1. hey, thanks for still reading my blog. :) I went back for a peek today, and fyi, (not that you care, really,) your Xanga is illegible. And by that, I mean, the text is half off the screen and there's no scroll bar at the bottom. o_O I had to pull up view source, lol. Which in turn reminds me of RSS feed pages (which clearly I need to figure out soon) and I ended up feeling entirely too geeky for my feminine nature. However, I hope you are well, friend! Stay outta trouble. ;)
