Jul 13, 2007

strange things are happenin to me

i've been away for quite awhile. i am ashamed of myself. my new job is spent almost entirely on the computer, so perhaps that will be of some help. also, my intention to begin adhering to a more "gtd" (that's getting things done) mentality might help too.

i say "might", for obvious reasons.

so, a lot's happened in my life since we last spoke. let me explain--no, there is too much. let me sum up:
  • i got a new job as a producer/videographer for charter media (a cable company)
  • i graduated. woot.
  • i went to kenya to shoot film for a new company called "fair trade flowers"
  • the new company offered me a better job, so i took it
  • i quit charter (after 5 weeks!), and became the marketing director for ftf
  • subsequently, i applied to an apartment in memphis (where hq for the new job is)
  • the apartment complex screwed up, and we lost our apartment. or at least, they told us we couldn't move til august (!)
  • we found a new apartment in a southern suburb of memphis. the catch? its in mississippi
  • 4 days later, we moved
  • now i'm in Houston, enjoying my one-week summer break that my new boss let me take.


just typing that out was tiring. to give you some perspective, all of that happened since the [edit:] end of april.

ok, hopefully that's enough breakfast blogging for a while. if i come up with something interesting to say soon, i'll be sure to post it. i gotta get at least one good one in here.


  1. wow.

    that is all i have to say.

  2. Re: the concept of "gtd."

    Only a bow-tied corporate wanna-be with Calvinist tendencies and a thin beard would identify personal goals with acrostics. I demand this nonsense to come to a swift conclusion.
