Jan 10, 2006

so i've been thinking.

so i've been thinking about passion lately.
how does one acquire passion? is passion something that can be attained? when someone is a "passionate person", does this mean that they were born that way, and thus will always be so, or does indicate that they have become something for a time about a certain subject?
i seem to remember being passionate at one time in my life.
i'm only 21. i'm the at the ripe age of idealism. at this point i should have stars in my eyes and dedication in my marrow. i should be wrapped up in some crusade of my generation to the point of forgetting social boundaries. whatever happened to the characters from the russian novels? i should simply oozing passion. i should wake up in the morning and blow my nose of excess passion and wipe the passion out of the corners of my eyes.
at the top of my Gmail screen right now is a "quote of the day" rss feed. the quote today is Robert Byrne. he said, "the purpose of life is a life of purpose."
how inane.
i mean, we know the truth. the purpose of life is glorifying God and enjoying him forever.
the first part is beyond our control. the second, well...how does one acquire that enjoyment?
how does one become passionate about God?

theres a big difference between knowing the truth and feeling it. i guess i'm wondering how you turn the first into the second.
any ideas?

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