Jan 23, 2008

wii numbers and guitar hero iii

to all my gamey friends (and potential gamey friends):

my wii # is 3082.9582.7449.7410
my guitar hero friend # is 4038 4748 2744

anyone gots a number or two to share with me (i'm looking at you, Cam)?

p.s. you can also find me at kongregate.com as pfostpfilms.


  1. i'll be your wii friend! here are my digits:

    my wii # is 3082.9582.7449.7410
    my guitar hero friend # is 4038 4748 2744

  2. :) me too!

    guitar hero: 189103816223

  3. Don't have Wii. But I do have the link to your website thingy!
    Yay for the Pfosts!
    It was good to see you all on Sunday. And I would like to know when you watch Bridge to...
    When is your performance. Maybe Aaron and I could take a little road trip...
