Sep 1, 2006

google game

how weird is this?

google has this weird little game thats oh-so-addictive. they pair you with a random person who is also at their site, and the two of you have ninety seconds to label as many images as you can.

for every image you both label with the same word, you get 100 points and move on to the next image.

the images seem to be somewhat randomly pulled from the "google image search ", so don't be surprised if you see a picture of yourself up there.

the idea behind the game, actually, is that it will help google better identify pictures when you're searching for them.

but, really, the game is just stinking fun. at least, fun enough for me to get into the top 100 all-time players ever. go me.

play it here. you don't have to have a google account to play.

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