Sep 10, 2006

finally, finally, finally

after several hours of tinkering, i finally got xanga to accept new posts from blogger.

which means the following:

new posts from me will show up simultaneously at blogger, xanga, and facebook. (FINALLY!!!!)
comments will be disabled on xanga (you can comment on blogger WITHOUT signing up for it).
i'll probably rarely update my layout on xanga (but i do that already, and noone


i'm going to post about a film project that you can have a part in pretty soon. keep your eyes peeled.


  1. on our end you doing this messes up the links on our pages.

  2. Nic? You know you can shut down a Xanga, right? Like lifeofnic, where the last post is now over 2 years old? Anyway. MAJOR props on tinkering to the desired outcome. MAJOR. But still not as many as choosing a right fine girl.
