Aug 22, 2006

how you likin' the married life?

lotsa time for thinking.

i think a big part of the reason i was opposed to marriage for so long is because it was different. not being married, in my mind, kept me safer from the rut of normality. if i were to be thoroughly psychoanalyzed, my guess is one of my main fears would be to "fit in too much", to disappear into the vast sea of plain faces and redundant stories.

but i think marriage has actually had the opposite effect. noone in the world will have the story quite like mine, noone will love quite like i do, and certainly noone will enjoy the benefits of marrying such a quietly beautiful person like i do.

dustin martin said something profound to me yesterday: "man, do you even know how lucky you are [that amy isn't high-maintenance]? i mean, i don't even have a girlfriend and i have more drama than i can handle."

which is true. it is good, better than even i had hoped.

so take that, old self. marriage doesn't make you blend in. it makes everything else stand out in a way you'd never seen it before.

now i wonder what 50th anniversaries do to you?


  1. Hmmmm...who knew I was profound? You can refer to me as "Oh wise one" if you'd like.

  2. I'm really excited for you dude. I wished I could have made the reception. I miss you a lot.

  3. It was great to see you guys last night. I'm sure I'll be asking many questions over the next year about marriage and things of the sort.

    -Nick B.

  4. i could tell you, but...psh
