Feb 14, 2006

random awards

here's a list of random awards that i'm handing out.
cause i know some cool peeps.
feel free to steal this idea.

most "general cool points": ben bailey
most compassionate person i know: carrie jones
most number of consecutive awkward situations: brandon emerson
most emasculating nickname: brian denker
best filmmaker: aaron hardin
the "i think i'm almost smart enough to understand her" award: kony kim
apparently quiet person that's actually really loud: andy kelly
most brutally honest: lucas villalpando
most likely to laugh at absolutely every attempt i make to be serious: amy cheek
most uncannily like me: walker pfost
most boy trouble: kristen sayres
most awkward situation with a former girlfriend: kyle raines
most likely to remember my uncle's cousin's middle name: julie palmer
most likely to argue with every award listed (including this one): julie laugherty
most likely to let me puke in his car and not care: wilhelm peters
most likely to catch hypothermia: allison wyer
most likely to out-eat me: jirah cox
most genuinely interested despite buttloads of homework: robby gordon
best all-time roomie: matthew zaruba

and finally:
most likely to have the most friends in the world ever in history: jon blair

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